We Play Well With Others

The Trash Fishing group plays well with other groups that do river cleanups. There is a large group Friends of The Detroit River that sponsor the Detroit Riverkeeper. They do a lot to keep our waterways clean and pristine. One event they host is an annual river cleanup. Our team goes ALL OUT for that event because it is the one time a year that other people watch what we do. We knock their socks off with our productivy. Often the trash collected by our team makes up over 50% of their total trash collected. We are pretty much the kings and queens of river cleanups. If you are planning a cleanup on the Detroit River, please invite us. We will bring our A-game and elevate the entire event!

Sometimes we Trash Fish when we go on vacation. Here we are teamed up with a group in St. Augustine, Florida.

Here we are teamed up with a group of SCUBA divers.

Here is our 2024 picture of the Friends of The Detroit River event. We outdid ourselves!